Baked Samosa

 Talking about Samosas’ …aah ! I love samosas ♥ . They are best enjoyed steaming hot on a rainy day with a cup of Chai ♥
Baked Samosa -
 Samosas’ are a popular street food in India . A Samosa is a fried pastry with spiced savory fillings like potatoes, peas, lentils , ground / shredded chicken and lamb. It is often accompanied by Tamarind & Mint chutney. In the northern parts of India, they are also served with Spiced Chickpea curry or with a slice of toasted bread. Samosa chaat is also very common now , where the samosa is broken into pieces and sweetened yogurt along with tamarind and mint chutney is added to it.I decided to bake these beauties as my DH is not keen on eating fried stuff, but I personally love the fried version.
Recipe : Yield – 12 – 14 Samosas

For the Dough:

1.5 cup  All purpose flour
Salt to taste
5 tablespoons oil
1/4 teaspoon Ajwain ( Carom Seeds )
1/2  cup  Mixture of Yogurt & Milk ( Yogurt 75% + Milk 25% )


For the Filling:Samosa filling

5 medium potatoes – Boiled , peeled and chopped into very small cubes
1 teaspoon Cumin seeds
2-4 chopped Green chilies
1.5 teaspoon Coriander powder
1/2 teaspoon Garam masala
1.5 teaspoon Amchur ( dry mango powder )
Salt – As per taste
1/4 cup – Chopped Cilantro leaves
2-3 tablespoons oil



Making the Dough:

1) Mix the flour, salt, oil, ajwain well and then add the yogurt + milk mixture to make a soft dough . Knead the dough for a few minutes to make sure its smooth and pliable.

2) Set it aside and cover it with a damp cloth. Let it rest for at least 15 minutes.

Making the Filling:

1) Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat .

2) Once the oil is hot, add cumin seeds , green chilies, coriander powder, salt and stir for few seconds.

3) Add the potatoes and stir-fry for a few minutes. Make sure they get coated with the spice mix. Now add garam masala and amchur. Adjust spices to taste.

4)Let the filling cool to room temperature.


Making Samosa:

1)Knead the dough for a minute. Divide the dough into 6-7equal parts and make into balls. Roll each ball into atleast a 6-inch diameter circle and divide each circle in half.

Divide into 2 halves

2)Place the filling in the center of the semi-circles. Overlap the edges starting from flat base end.

Samosa Filling 1
3) Brush water to seal the overlapped area and edges together , as shown in the images below  – Seal using a fork.
Baked Samosa -
Baked Samosas -
4) Preheat the Oven at 200° C . Place the samosa on lightly greased baking sheet and bake the samosas for about 20-25 mins – flipping them once / twice to get even coloring . Serve hot with Tamarind- date chutney and/or mint-cilantro chutney !
Baked Samosa
Tips :
1) You may use any filling of your choice – just make sure its cooked .
2) These samosas can be deep fried as well . Make sure the ends are sealed or there are chances of the samosa pastry opening and the filling spilling out in the oil.
Enjoy with a cup of Hot Chai !
Sonal Kalra 🙂
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